
学位可以打开通往各种机会和不同职业道路的大门. CTU提供的巴黎人澳门赌场在哪不一定会导致特色职业. 本系列文章旨在帮助您了解和指导您确定哪些级别的学位和类型的认证与您期望的职业道路相一致.

那些有兴趣从事一份令人满意的职业,并且有可能每天帮助别人的人可以考虑一下 护理. With an increasing demand for health care services, the employment of registered nurses (RN), 在一般情况下, 预计将比美国所有其他职业的平均增长速度快得多.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,到2024年,注册护士的就业前景将增长16%.1 在选择这条职业道路时, 然而, it’s important to consider the educational, certification and skill requirements that may be needed to become a nurse.


注册护士应该具备一些关键的个人素质,以便在各种医疗保健环境中照顾病人. These essential characteristics include:2

同情 – Nurses should be kind and empathetic when caring for patients. 在与生病或受伤病人的家庭成员互动时,同情心也会有所帮助.

批判性思维的技能 – Nurses should be able to assess changes in the health of a patient, including when to take action and when to seek further clinical opinions.

有条理,注重细节 -护士往往要照顾多个有不同健康问题的病人. 需要组织能力和注重细节的方式来确保患者在正确的时间得到正确的治疗或药物.

身体和情感耐力 护士可能在轮班的大部分时间都是站着的,所以身体耐力很重要. 此外,他们经常处理人类苦难、紧急情况和其他压力. So, emotional resilience and the ability to cope with stress is crucial.

沟通技巧 – Nurses must be able to communicate effectively with patients, family members and other members of the healthcare team. Nurses need to be able to explain instructions, 比如如何服药, and explain a patient’s needs to physicians and other nurses.2


Depending on the specific career path or specialty chosen, becoming a nurse can be achieved in a few different ways. Potential RNs can earn a diploma, 从认可的护理课程获得护理学副学士学位或学士学位. A BSN typi呼叫y takes four years to obtain, whereas associate’s and diploma programs take two to three years. 每个程序包括监督临床经验,每个候选人必须完成.2

学士学位可以包括物理和社会科学方面的额外教育, 沟通, leadership and critical thinking. These programs frequently offer more clinical experience in nonhospital settings.2

要进一步获得以前获得的护理文凭或副学士学位,也有 RN-to-BSN项目 available, such as those offered by 科罗拉多理工大学. CTU的在线注册护士到注册护士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪建立在通识教育和核心课程的基础上,帮助护士准备和发展所需的知识和技能,以扩大他们在各种临床和行政领导活动中的实践选择.

Once a student earns his or her degree from an accredited 护理 program, 他们可以向所在州的护理委员会申请参加国家考试,成为有执照的注册护士.2


Before officially becoming a licensed RN, potential nurses must pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). 候选人必须向其所在州的护理委员会或监管机构提交许可申请,然后在Pearson VUE注册, a third-party test administrator, 为了考试.3 Once the state’s board of 护理 declares a candidate eligible, 个人将收到一封测试授权(ATT)电子邮件,必须在预定的测试日期携带.4

After passing the NCLEX and becoming licensed, 注册护士可以在各种专业领域进行认证,包括但不限于门诊护理, 老年医学或儿科. Certification from a professional association is typi呼叫y voluntary; 然而, certification

Job Market for Registered Nurses

2014年,这一数字超过了2.75 million registered nurses in the U.S.5 The job outlook is projected to grow for a number of reasons. 由于人口老龄化以及对各种慢性病患者的教育和保健的需要,对保健服务的需求将会增加, 包括关节炎, 痴呆, 糖尿病和肥胖.1

联邦医疗保险改革也可能导致获得医疗保健的人数激增. 因此,医生办公室、诊所和其他场所对护士的需求可能会增加. 另外, 长期护理设施和门诊护理中心的需求日益增长,将增加对注册护士的需求.1

All in all, job opportunities for RNs are expected to be positive. 但是,由于大量护士进入职业领域,就业竞争加剧. Employers may prefer candidates who have experience in a 护理 role.1

Though RNs typi呼叫y perform many of the same duties, job designations can vary. RNs can expect to have any of the following titles: Charge Nurse, 急诊科注册护士, RN肿瘤学, 手术室RN, Public Health Nurse or Staff Nurse.6

What to Expect on a Day-to-Day Basis

RNs can work in a variety of settings such as hospitals, 医生的办公室, 家庭保健, 养老院, 门诊, 惩教设施, the military or with different employment options such as a traveling nurse.5, 6 Some facilities provide around-the-clock 护理 care, so shift coverage may be required for nights, 周末, 假期或随叫随到.5

护士的一般任务包括评估病人的健康需求, developing and implementing care plans, 监测生命体征, and maintaining healthcare records. Nurses may also complete the following tasks on a daily basis:7

  • Analyze information and evaluate laboratory and test results
  • Oversee care for ill, injured or disabled patients
  • Advise patients on health maintenance and disease prevention
  • Administer medications to patients and monitor for reactions or side effects
  • 与卫生保健团队成员协调评估、计划或评估护理计划
  • Provide emotional support for patients and family members7

无论工作地点或范围如何,护理都是一项具有挑战性但又有回报的职业. 通过协调病人护理、教育病人和提供情感支持,5 护士可以期望在他们的职业生涯中改变他人的生活.

Earn an RN-to-BSN at 科罗拉多理工大学

科罗拉多理工大学(CTU)提供在线BSN和MSN护理学位,旨在为学生提供开发必要工具的机会,以提供循证护理,并在床边和其他地方推动变革. 科罗拉多理工大学的护理学学士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪获得了美国大学护理教育委员会(http://www.ccneaccreditation.org). Learn more about CTU’s 护理 degree programs.

1. “注册护士:职业前景”.摘自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm#tab-6(2017年8月28日参观). 这些数据代表的是国家数据,而不是基于学校的具体信息. Conditions in your area may vary.
2. "How to Become a Registered Nurse.摘自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm#tab-4(2017年8月28日参观).
3. “应用程序 & 登记.摘自:http://www.ncsbn.org/nclex-application-and-registration.htm(2017年8月28日访问).
4. “测试授权”.摘自:http://www.ncsbn.org/1212.htm(2017年8月28日访问).
5. 注册护士:摘要.摘自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm(2017年8月28日访问). 这些数据代表的是国家数据,而不是基于学校的具体信息. Conditions in your area may vary.
6. “Registered Nurses: Work Environment.摘自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm#tab-3(2017年8月28日参观).
7. “29-1141的摘要报告.00 -注册护士.摘自:http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/29 - 1141.00(2017年8月28日参观).

For important information about the educational debt, 收益, and completion rates of students who attended this program, 去 swyqio.168west.com/disclosures. CTU cannot guarantee employment or salary. Not all programs are available to residents of all states. Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
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